This site is about the overreaching political power of the NC Association of Realtors flush with money from cashing in your equity 6% at a time, leaving you to pay for growth with property taxes, year after year, with or without cash flow. In the last few years NCAR has pumped millions of dollars into NC political campaigns at the state and local level. They have spent millions more to defeat Local Options for Local Governments with misleading ads.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

NCAR Loses 1,573 Members in January

Enrollment in the North Carolina Association of Realtors (NCAR) took a steep dive in January 2009, shedding 1,573 members, according to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The membership roll of 38,615 as of 1/31/2009, is the lowest since June 2006. This is 3.91% below the 2008 year end enrollment of 40,188 and 9.7% below the 1/31/2008 enrollment of 42,765 making for a 12 month loss of 4,150 members. Membership in NCAR peaked in November 2007 at 43,569 and the current roll of 38,615 represents a loss of 4,954 members or an 11.37% decline since then.

The decline in membership also represents a shrinking of the market for the products of NCAR's for-profit subsidiaries RealFast and RealServ.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Avery Recount Pending

Reports from Avery County suggest that official results from the 19 precincts may differ from the polled results on election night. Some numbers may have been misread sufficient to change the result. A recount has been expected given the slim margin in unofficial results in favor of the transfer tax. Official results to be released Tuesday may show majority with a slimmer margin opposed to the transfer tax. Either way a contentious recount is expected.


According to unofficial results revised today 2/9/09 by the State Board of Elections, with 19 of 19 precincts reporting the votes were 1,405 for and 1,437 against (49.44% for and 50.56% against). A total of 2,842 votes were counted out of 2,844 cast. Turnout was 22.39% of 12,700 registered voters.

On election night unofficial results by the State Board of Elections, with 19 of 19 precincts reported that votes were 1,434 for and 1,409 against (50.44% for and 49.56% against). A total of 2,843 votes were counted out of 2,845 cast. Turnout was 22.40% of 12,700 registered voters.

Update 2/10/09:

The numbers keep changing. The most recent revision shows 1,414 for 1,449 against, which is a margin of 35 to defeat the transfer tax. At 49.39% for 50.61% against the margin is still less than 1%

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Avery County Transfer Tax Succeeds

It looks like the transfer tax referendum was approved in Avery County today.

According to the State Board of Elections, with 19 of 19 precincts reporting the votes were 1,434 for and 1,409 against (50.44% for and 49.56% against). A total of 2,843 votes were counted out of 2,845 cast. Turnout was 22.40% of 12,700 registered voters.

As the County Commissioners appear to have wanted this authority it is likely to be put into effect.

From the statutes authorizing the tax:

If the majority of those voting in a referendum held pursuant to this Article vote for the levy of the tax, the board of county commissioners may, by resolution and after 10 days' public notice, levy a local land transfer tax on instruments conveying interests in real property located in the county, up to a rate of four-tenths percent (0.4%), in increments of one-tenth percent (0.1%).